
Welcome Back

by - July 22, 2020

Hello everyone and finally welcome back. Welcome back to you and welcome back to me. Finally after taking a long break from blogging I have decided to come back. Reason for me being gone can be simply described by one famous sentence and that is: Life happens! A lot of it has to do with collage, work, and just growing up. 

Before continuing my blogging journey I had to write this post. It's 22 of July. Summer, as never seen before. We're facing a serious virus and at this moment patience is really important. New conditions, new lifestyle has made us realize many things which I will probably write on in my future posts.

I believe that social media is really helpful in this stressful times. Recently I've enjoyed app: TikTok. I found some really quick and easy recipes on there which I can not wait to try out.. Some of them I actually have and would like to share them with you. Dances are fun to watch but are not something I am fully enjoying on the app.

There are many topics I would like to discuss but I also want to keep my blog beauty/fashion related for the most part. In few days I will organize a new blog post schedule and you will be informed as well. 

Take care and I will see you soon.

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