How to be productive in summer

by - June 21, 2016

So summer started and you have a bunch of free time to spend but you don't know what to do with your life. Struggle is real. You are so lazy, you lay in bed all day, you get up just to eat and after that get back to your bed and continue watching your favorite tv show not caring about anything else. If you are one of these people, then this post will help you.

 Love the gold accents on this pretty desk space!:

First, it's fine to feel like this, don't worry too much. You can still make something out of that ''lazy day''. In order to be productive you need to Plan and Organize your time better.

My first advice would be to take a Notebook or buy new one and write down your plans for the following day. Think of your priorities, what you want to accomplish, it's basically like writing ''To do'' list. Some people also like to schedule and write time but I feel like in summer you really have plenty of time so there's no need for that. Of course if you're working, going to meetings, events and business projects then making schedule might be more suitable for you.

Leave your phone and turn off all of your electronics - This might sound so traumatic to some people, I feel you. Leaving your phone alone for an hour can make a huge difference in productivity of the day. It will make you feel bored and you will just start doing something else, whether that's washing dishes, cleaning house or going outside on fresh air. This may sound easy considering it's just for an hour but it's actually harder then you think. We are so addicted to our phones and computers that we're not even aware of it.

 Pinterest: shxreen18 ☮❃☪:

Next thing to help you be more productive and start doing your obligations is simply To Begin. Sometimes you just have to push yourself and have some motivation. You can get motivated very easly.There are a lot of ways. Think of aim, how would you feel after accomplishing that something, will you have ''more phone/relaxing'' time after getting things done. Sometimes I like to read those motivation quotes on Pinterest. It really helps. Try it out. 

Don't tell your aims to other people - so I've read an article recently. Basically what I've learned from it is that by telling other people your aims your brain starts to believe that you've already accomplished it or at least you're half way there but actually you didn't even start doing it! This is so true. So my advice is to keep your aims for yourself and when you finish them, then you can share with your friends and other people. I personally tried this and I can say there's a lot of truth in this one.

Start your day with glass of fresh water and rich breakfast - This would be my final advice and I feel like this doesn't just appeal to productivity but to a healthier and better lifestyle in general. The way you start your day can really have huge impact on the rest of it.

Desayuno by Raquel Carmona:  

So those were some of my tips, hope they helped some of you and remember to have fun and enjoy your summer.

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  1. This is definitely one of my favorite posts of yours! Beautifully written and great advice, also the photos are gorgeous xxx

  2. I really love your pictures!! xx

  3. Lots of gorgeous tips and the photographs are stunning :)
    Ambar | Her Little Loves

  4. Great tips! Love the pictures :)

  5. This is such a good idea for a post - I never know what to do at the end of the academic year! I definitely agree with your suggestions though. Luckily I've got an internship this summer so I have something to occupy my time haha! I really like your blog – do you want to follow each other on Bloglovin’ so we can keep up with eachothers’ posts? ☺

    - Ruby Xx

    Another Ruby Tuesday / Bloglovin’

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you liked this post :) Yes, you're lucky I still need to plan my summer :/ Of course! I'll add you on Bloglovin and all your other social medias x

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you for commenting :) Glad you found them useful x

  7. That's really interesting! From my personal experience, I've benefitted a lot from telling friends my plans and having them keep me accountable :) To each their own! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

    1. You sure had great friends then, lucky you. I've read this article and I wanted to share it with others and as it worked for me. I didn't mean to never ever tell anybody anything. It's just not to mention it too often because you'll feel like you almost accomplished your goal but you didn't even start working on it, as psychologist said in this article. But thanks for sharing your experience. :)

  8. Love your flat lay image. too pretty :) I agree, i take a note book or a pad of some form with me everywhere I go!

    love LC xxx

  9. Helloo!! This post was fab! Really great tips. I always carry a notebook or have my iNotes handy for spontaneous ideas! Ps. Beautttifull blog-tography!!!! *Heart Eyes*

    Eb x

    1. Aww thanks Eboni! :) ^^ I'm glad you liked it and I try my best!

  10. Lovely tips! I always carry a notebook.

    My Small World

